Masajistas eroticas en melgar en español

As soon as the phone rang, Jessica knew it was an upcoming mission. His agent, boss and pimp, had everything set up for a meeting with a powerful client, the manager of a major car company. The meeting will take place at the Marriott Hotel in Bogota at 10 p.m. That night, undeterred by puritanism, she boldly indulged in sensuality, as if she were a Roman goddess in the service of lust. The taxi driver, who was already known, took her frantically through Bogota traffic and arrived on time. She wore an emerald dress: it fit her tight and she had bought it at the Andino shopping center; that framed his wasp waist and showed only just enough. She put on Miu Miu “heels” and a Prada bag. With no explanation other than his presence, he walked through the doors of the hotel and into room 504. At the door, he checked that he was carrying all the various leisure toys: condoms, face creams and even hot lubes, a mask and another change of underwear just in case. He pretended to run away. She hesitated. However, he rang the doorbell. “The fear is always there, and if you lose it, you die inside,” he said. Entered. There were four walls, where his lover was hiding, his shirt in his sleeves and his tie half-knotted. The service lasted only two hours and cost 1,200,000 pesos, and what was going on in the room, including moaning and sexual experiences, would not only be washed away by the rain in the shower, but also by the clean sheets in his room, everything was confidential. All the money he had earned, but not just by saliva and sweat.

Like Jessica, thousands of women between the ages of 18 and 30 are also trading their curves for money. They sell their bodies, but they’re not just prostitutes, no. They exchange love over and over again, away from the streets, away from the sides of busy roads with theft and disease. Her clients are known to be men whose fat wallets, the bombastic ways of these girls bring them to their knees, like mascara on eyelashes. They all have shirts from fine brands like Brooks Brothers or Between Red and Red Politicians. Among the athletes there are many names that score goals and also the so-called “Gente de bien”, men of the “upper class” of Bogotá. Many look sophisticated, speak several languages, wear fashionable clothes, and drink coffee and champagne. That’s why they praise caution and good manners. “It’s very important for this girl to be reserved and discreet. If you hire one for the weekend, and a rude or drunk prostitute comes in, you don’t call back. She is more than just a companion with whom you can drink whiskey, she must know how to chat, walk hand in hand, that is, a very good old woman who knows the time and the place where she is. Customers exchange phone numbers when an old one is very good, under the veil of anonymity. The lords finance and pay for their whims with a lot of money. In Colombia, it is said that infidelity is not tolerated, despite the fact that it is becoming more and more common. “Many friends are ready for their lovers. Of course, they never neglect their families. I don’t do that, I just throw a few canes in the air from time to time,” says a somewhat conservative friend sarcastically.

“The main difference between us and the women who go to regular hotels, is that we work through agencies like Platinum VIP. They are intermediaries between the search engines and us. They collect interest and protect our identity. Where I work there are very famous girls, models and even TV presenters. There are also prostitution rings made up of contacts. I went in because a friend encouraged me. At first I felt terrible, but the first millions of pesos I got cleared my conscience. Paula slips in unapologetically, a girl who radiates her quality and charm both at home and abroad. “Now I’m traveling to Mexico frequently. I am in this work to serve. It’s a great place to do business; For one simple reason: Mexican women are awful. Every Colombian is a queen there. We are prettier and we take better care of ourselves,” she proudly exclaimed. If there’s one thing to be proud of as a VIP prostitute, it’s the beauty and energy that radiates everywhere. Nothing is up in the air, everything is where it should be.

They hide any unwanted rolls all over the body, while the silicone pierces and trains. “When I started, I hadn’t had surgery on my chest and I was a little fat. But after two months of training and prosthetics, I began to value myself better. Men love big breasts! Also, if you want a Russian massage, you need it, i.e. Russian,” declares another girl named Aisha, who flutters with her skirts open behind the room sharing all her libido. “I like working with a couple of friends. We have customers asking for parties and our duty is to please them. Sometimes sex isn’t necessary. Sometimes they just ask about our company. The most common thing is to go to Melgar and have parties in fincas, which are not just any fincas, they are mansions. If people invite us to dance, we dance; If they ask us to be naked… We’re naked. Once they paid me 2 million pesos for a weekend just to accompany them and I didn’t have to sleep with anyone, they just made me parade in a bathing suit and then naked, but they got drunk and high so much that they didn’t have time for anything else and then there are the gifts, each of us had our own room and when we arrived in the beds there were packages that had watches, lace underwear, swimsuits, face creams, etc. a luxury wallet and a Gucci gift card to buy a million pesos worth of the items we wanted.

“I went to Cancun with a girl. She had been to all the beauty pageants invented here and is a gorgeous brunette. It was his duty to follow me everywhere. This is what they call obedience and submission. I invited her to dinner, bought her sweets and of course what had to happen happened…” Mauricio is silent for a minute before continuing, pensive, with his memories between thin black garters, and probably images of ecstasy, madness and a concentrate of Viagra passed through his mind. Everything went through his head in an instant. “People think it’s just a mess, but it’s not,” he continued. “It’s the truth. If one of my girls is willing to take a trip, she can do it, but there’s only one event per day,” said Mary (aka “Little Puppy”), a lady known to celebrities to arrange paid love affairs and she’s the one who sets the rules of the game. “What is an event?” A penetration”, the client is explained and informed of all the rules of the game, so that there are no misunderstandings, unless the girl wants it, as has happened many times, only one event a day is allowed. “When you’re with them, there’s a lot of dialogue.” What you want with these girls are quiet moments to de-stress,” Mauricio emphasizes. “While I sleep in my bed the heat embraces me, I have legs that have covered many kilometers, but not the 42K of the New York City Marathon. By being a Masajistas eroticas, you can have peace without reprimand, peace without family or marital problems, peace without guilt or pain with bills to pay.” “Our profession is psychological. We work to listen and understand. We agree with what they tell us. We don’t complain and we just please. We’re therapists and actors,” says Jessica

El viernes Jessica recibe instrucciones al otro lado del teléfono. A las diez debe ir a casa de un antiguo cliente y compartir su perversion con Blancanieves, Heidi y la Bella Durmiente. “Le gustó que me vistiera como una colegiala. Antes del espectáculo, me dejó jugar con barbies, muñecas y animales de peluche mientras las películas de Disney se veían en la televisión. Cuando me ve así, tiene una erección”, dice sobre sus dulces aventuras con su especial Anthony. “Tengo una señora  a la que le gustan las cosas pequeñas. Cada vez que nos encontramos, me pide que me arrodille. Por eso camino como enana y le gusta que le chupe el chocho asi”, intercala la ilusionada antagonista de “La Verónica” como contrapunto a este concurso de fetichismo. Un cliente me pidió pintarlo como un payaso. Le dije que no tenía maquillaje, pero él ya tenía todo listo. Cerró los ojos y no quiso ver el proceso. Le pinté la cara de blanco, le puse unas sombras negras debajo de los ojos con unas lágrimas negras y le pinté las mejillas y la nariz de rojo. Cuando terminé, se acercó al espejo. Meditaba sobre sí mismo y tuvo una erección y se vino en ese momento”, afirma, como era de esperar. bingo. Se ganó el premio gordo a la perversidad. “El problema es que, si muestro rechazo o disgusto, no me llaman. Lo más importante es ganarme la confianza para que puedan volver contigo. Por otro lado, eso es exactamente lo que están buscando: habilitar cosas que no se atreverían a hacer con sus esposas, solo que nosotras le cobramos por su diversión. Se defendió y no ocultó su ansia de dinero.

El negocio es en serio hay que cobrar, recuerda que después de los treinta ya somos viejas, la carrera es corta y hay que hacer todo el dinero posible dice, “La Verónica” que se ha sumado a este ejército de sensualidad y frivolidad. Evoca fantasía lujuriosas y deseos por el color del dólar o del peso devaluado. “Porque yo no quiero recibir un salario mínimo, porque soy el sostén de la familia y porque quiero que mis hijos tengan lo que necesitan”, dijo finalmente. Se le puede ver conduciendo una furgoneta moderna a los clubes, montando una furiosa moto de agua en la playa o rockeando en un yate de lujo. Vive la vida como una princesa, pero en el fondo no ha olvidado que es Cenicienta. “Obviamente algunas personas tienen suerte. Tengo amigas cuyos maridos son sus clientes. Se enamoraron y la sacaron de este mundo. Abren una peluquería o un spa para limpiar su pasado. Paula arqueó las cejas con celos.

“Pero la gente piensa que es fácil o que somos millonarias. En realidad, hay temporadas buenas y temporadas malas. Puedes ganar hasta 15.000.000 de pesos mensuales si trabajas todos los días, pero eso no sucede. Es improbable todos los meses. ¿Te resulta divertido que cientos de personas te manoseen? No, nunca nos prometieron villas y castillos y nos trataron como lo que somos nosotras: prostitutas. Masajistas eroticas —protestó Elsa—.  En este negocio es fácil entrar, pero difícil salir. Es como vender drogas, excepto que, en lugar de cocaína, es mi culo, dice Jessica.

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